October 22, 2024

Devora Gray


 Devora Gray

Sexpert Comic & Sessionist Nerd

Devora wasn’t born a Las Vegas native, but growing up in Sin City with conservative God-loving parents from the Bible Belt and the high deserts of New Mexico did some wacky things to both her outlook and sense of humor.

Despite the threat of punishment, she spent most of the oven-arid summers in the back seat of a Crown Victoria with the windows rolled down and her imagination turned up.

She’s been a yogi since the depression-laden angst of 16. Hiker, biker, boxer, lover, fighter, and Amazon foodie, she believes in the same protocol of writing from her adolescent years dabbling in psi-fi, romance and erotica to her current projects in non-fiction narrative, short stories, screenplays, and essays. If there’s a way to experience what is dreamt, it must be attempted in PLAY.

“All is a game. All is play.” This became her mantra.

Poof. The birth of her alter-ego, Scarlett Devine, a fetish-loving, corset-wearing wrestler, artist, entertainer, and ultimate badass advocate on a serious mission to debunk misconceptions, neurosis, and retro brain farts of the judgment variety. There’s no fantasy or fetish too wild she doesn’t want to hog-tie and interrogate under strong wattage.

As Scarlett likes to say, “Change your name. Change your destiny.”

The last couple of years have worked their magic and she found a home base in Filipino soup, Portland conferences, and tutelage from Bizarro/Horror legend John Skipp. You can find her blog, shorts and Poop Gallery (Don’t worry. It’s not actual poop pictures.) and Scarlett’s kink travels “Attack of the 50ft Woman” style at www.scarelettdevine.com, www.humanfurniturebook.com, and www.devoragray.com. Her debut novel Human Furniture, a six-year intensive on all things kink, ink, and grace is now available on Amazon.

Outside the obsessive love of intimacy, pain as the messenger, and travel as the equalizer, her true love is the family unit; her friends, comrades, and blood ties. There is nothing like getting lost in a story, unless she can share it with as many people as possible.

There’s room for everyone at the table. Pull up a chair and dig in.